Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Mayor, my friend!

This is Tyrone Williamson, mayor of Russellville.
He comes by school to check on us once a month
or so. His father was a janitor and he said he
started working with his dad when he was about
9. He still can't walk anywhere without picking
up all the trash. He says it's a habit he can not
break, and does not try.


dot said...

Sounds like a good habit to me!

Annie said...

My dad, who is a hero to me, does the same thing - picks up trash wherever he goes. Sometimes it feels dangerous to ride with him though because he whips the car over the side of the road, whichever side, to open the door and pick up trash. And, then of course, there is a carfull of trash.

Betty said...

He sounds like a good guy.

Anonymous said...

I sorta have the same thing, except in reverse gear. I throw things to the side of the road for others to pick up.

Most Sweetest Sister

Anonymous said...

I guess there are gatherers and throwers and sweet sis is a thrower.
Sis 3