was Larry's moms. I really like it and it is a good commentary.
The next two books were Grandpa Powell's; Patsy gave them
to me I think. Next book is Larrys. Iwo Jima...Erin bought me
at a used book place. Then a cook book I like. Then Philo and
Josephus. And lastly, how to say it. It helps write a letter that
sounds right.
These are all books that I want to keep. Except Larry's that got
put on the shelf by mistake!
Helen, if you look real close you will see a dead moth and some dust beside the shelf. I tried to cut it all out of the photo, but could not get all the dirt out.
Well if you han't said anything nobody would have known about the dust & moth! LOL So why haven't you wrote me a letter? Are you at school?
Philo of Alexandria? Josephus? You are a serious student of history and the Bible, I think. I'm afraid I'd walk over to your shelf and pick up Larry's book on Learning how to talk to a dog!
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