Sunday, October 14, 2007

What I saw on my Walk

I have been walking 30 minutes to an hour
a day since Sept. 22. I could not walk before
and had not been able to for 3 years. Anyway,
here are some things I saw on my way yesterday--
the shimmering lake in the sun and Bell off
barking at something up a big tree. I had to stop
and look at each a while so the 30 minute
walk took 50 minutes.


dot said...

Beautiful pictures! I'm so glad you are able to walk. Keep it up!

Annie said...

Three years of something that kept you from walking! Boy, I'll bet you are so happy to be past that. It's fun to go out and see the world with all its abundant interest. And nice that you share what you see, too. Bell barking up a tree is a really good photo.