Sunday, February 17, 2008

Russellville, AR

From afar...


dot said...

What a beautiful view. I thought I spied a water tower so I enlarged the picture and sure nuff there was one there.

Annie said...

I've been seeing a lot more green lately and it looks like you are seeing that as well. Not to mention the water tower ;>)

Galla Creek said...

This was in 2004...Larry said I was misleading with the green of everything.

patsy said...

i was ready to come down and see green until larry's comment.

Renie Burghardt said...

Beatiful shots of Russellville, AR! Never been there, but have heard much about it, since I have a son who lives there. Thanks for the lovely view!


Patty said...

Our fourth child, Becky and her partner were in Murfreesboro( spelling). Ar at the Diamond Mine, but she called, they should be home anytime today, they didn't find anything, plus it rained and everything was a muddy mess. This is the second time they've gone down there looking for diamonds. I told her if there were a lot in there, the people that live in that area would be out there looking.