Some stuff that has happened lately--
1. Astrid stood up for a little boy at
school that a big boy was picking on.
The big boy kicked her in the shin and
left a big bruise, but we are proud that
she will speak when she sees an injustice.
2. We got a new phone and Larry has it
programed with several phone numbers.
While he was at the Dog Kennel, I tried to
work on it and got it on the french language.
Laura finally got it fixed for me. Could not
read what to do as it was all French to me.
3. Eric caught a pretty leopard frog in the
yard and was showing it to Ingrid and Astrid
and telling them about it. He started to show
Siggy, but she 'cringed and told him she was
allergic to frogs'. She told me she was allergic
to green beans too!
4. Ingrid is reading on level 11 and level 4 is
where she needs to be. She is so smart.
5. Astrid had a soccer game and her team won.
She is a good soccer player. At school they were
handing out forms for little girls that wanted to
cheer at a football game. Ingrid came home with
one all excited (and she did cheer this week). Laura
asked Astrid where her form was---she told her
that she told the teacher she did not need one!
Those are cute entertaining little stories. I especially like the cheerleading one =) I was a cheerleader for a whole semester my senior year of high school haha
good pictures Astrid...
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