Helen, I took the girls to Target shopping and here are some of the clothes modeled for you. Siggie gets some stuff from the Christensen Attic so she did not get as many new things as the older two. I missed a shot of one of hers that is really cute. It had black tights. Ingrid and Astrid have a few more than this but I know this is enough for you to see how much fun they had picking the things out. They only went over 2.00 so they are going to be good shoppers like them Mom. Astrid loves getting to go because I let her get what she wants and it does not have to be on sale. Each girl got a sack when we checked out and Laura said she would stop for ice cream Siggie just set hers down and headed for the rig to get her chocolate fix. I said "are you taking your new clothes?" She is a goob. Notice the pink dorothy shoes she picked...at first she had more red ones, but she has a lot of pink and purple so we did talk her into getting a color that would go with her clothes. She will be going to a Christian Preschool called Noah's Ark. The other two are switching schools and will go to a Russellville Elementary near mine and Eric's school. Can't wait they will be with us each afternoon.

what pretty girls if i do say so myself
they are special...I love the leggens that zip....and the blue outfit that Ingrid had on with the argile sock print on the sweater....and Astrids long sweater...and the little one Siggy, was just beautiful in everything as usual! I loved it!!!
It must have really tickled them that you took "modeling photos."
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