This is the only bed I have finished.

I bought Day Lilies to go around two of the trees probably not the two in the photo as that is where the bird feeders are. I may just put Monkey Grass around these two.

Larry is making me flower beds around some of our trees. I am putting Periwinkles in the two 8 sided beds. It is late in the year and they stand the heat pretty well.

My Crepe Myrtle has even more blooms because we finally got a little rain.

This is the carport we moved farther from the house. You can see the tree I thought was a plum is an apple. It is loaded with apples. I have two of these trees both loaded. I don't know what kind of apples they are.
You need to dig up some of Ethel's iris out in the fields and put them around your trees. You can dig them anytime. If you move them sometime from now to fall, they will bloom next year. If you dig them next spring, they probably won't bloom until the next year. Any day after a good rain would be a good time to dig them, but it may be fall before you have another rain.
I will do this in two of my beds.
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