Here is Laura and Eric's tree. Beautiful is all I can say. You see in the background that we are enjoying a good dinner. Everything was so delicious. Both my girls are good cooks.

This is Mesol (surely I spelled it wrong). She is my niece. Larry's brother Roger Garrison (brother on Dad's side) has a son Dustin who served in the Navy 20 years. He just retired and is going to college to be a teacher or maybe a lawyer. Who knows....but the government is paying him to go and the retirement is not enough to live well. The US Gov pays him a little more each month and will pay for the schooling too. I am his proof reader for English Comp. He told me "WE mad an A!" Meesa (as we call Dustin's wife) is the most interesting person. I truly love being with her. She took a little piece of paper and figured out what animal we all were by the year we were born. I was born in the year of the Tiger....grrrrrrrrrrrr! Laura, too! Erin was a ram. Larry an ox. Dustin was a boar. Eric a monkey. Meesa is a dragon! Oh, Patsy, 1938 was the year of the TIGER, too.

The boys are playing with Clayton's lincoln logs. l to r--Roger Garrison, Larry, Greg and Eric...Clayton in the middle. Old toys are always still the best. Clayton loved the building!

Fleta, I know Greta's eyes look dark, but they are blue just like my other girls. She is beautiful with dark hair and blue, blue eyes! Greta is 2 months old today. Her mother returns to the work world Jan. 15. She would love just to stay with the children...but she is a nurse living to make a living!

Here Clayton is dreaming of going outside and playing the Princess, Astrid's dashhound. He is a great boy. My prayer is that no one dashes his dreams and spirit. He is going to the bathroom and wearing the underwear I bought him. Erin and Greg are only changing one child's diaper!
You surly had a big day. I love the photo of the big boys playing with clayton's toys.
by the way the guy with his back to the camera is larry's brother. looks like larry.
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