Ingrid stayed all night with us Monday night. Then Tuesday night she had a friend from another city stay with her. That is Ingie and her friend, Abbie Grace in the tree. The girls always bring their over night visitors to see the novelty (Poppa and Gigi). We have dogs, chickens, tree swings, ladders to help little girls climb trees. I am sure the girls tell their friends that Poppa and Gigi are really OLD! Ingrid likes staying all night because her Poppa does not think the girls should be made to go to bed when they are here. He will stay up as long as they want. Siggie and Astrid get sleepy fairly early. Siggie by 10 o'clock and Astrid might stay up 'til 12:30 or 1:00. Ingie can watch tv all night! She and Poppa did not go to bed until 4:00. She told me that when she was little and stayed all night on Galla Creek Lane. I would tell her she could watch her little movie (Cinderella, etc.) on the little tv in the bedroom and then turn it off and go to sleep. You could not get cable in the bedroom. Well, Ingie, told me that she would watch the movie in English, then in French and in Spanish. Staying awake way into the night.
I noticed a picture of my family on your shelves....Mike was in it. When Mama was alive and there was a divorce she cut the divorced person out of the picture...I do not think that was such a bad thing. I think you should cut him out of the picture and have a hole there...After Laura's divorce I took all of the pictures i had of that sob and pocked his eyes out on all of his pictures...
Momma finally gave me a picture of Clayton and Angie! Glad she did not destroy it...no, it was Clayton and Grandma Powell...so I guess she did burn the other one.
I tried to fix the picture so I could leave it on the shelf. Hope it suits you, Helen.
Glad you poked ABB eyes out as he deserved just that. He turned fat and bald headed later. I wished it on him.
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