Monday, February 15, 2021

Snow Bound

Feeling blessed. All electric house and I still have power.  Ingie worked over night shift at Dardanelle Hospital and Eric was able to safely navigate snow covered roads and Dardanelle bridge to bring her home.  

Little Ada is sick. She saw the Doctor virtually and she and Erin went out on snow covered streets to get her medicine.  Back home safely.  Greg opened Harrison Armory.  He is probably busy selling bullets as the grocery stores are empty.  Real men will visit the gun store.  ðŸ˜‚😂

I fed the birds, my chickens, my two dogs.  Put out water for them but I will repeat about 2 P. M.  I have swept the snow from my porches more than once.  It has warmed up to 13 degrees.  I think it’s finally quit snowing.

Once when I was a young girl, we were snowed in so long Dad finally went to town for a few groceries and cow feed on the tractor.  

I never had to worry about what to do about anything with my sweet husband.  He had big shoulders and seemed to know what we should do.  I do fine until there is a little crisis then I sort of fold. 

Harrison on the hill
Going to get Ada’s medicine
My view
Chick a Dee is sick.

1 comment:

Margie's Musings said...

Poor Ada! I hope she gets better soon!