Saturday, March 8, 2025


When I saw the little pixie flower, 'Bloom where you're planted' occurred to me. I discovered that Saint Francis de Sales, who served as the Bishop of Geneva from 1567-1622, is credited with the quote. Mary Engelbreit's artwork added to its later popularity. Image below is by Mary.

Yesterday, I cleaned on a fence row. I cut brush and briars and picked up dead limb. I have a big pile to burn. It was 71 degrees. Nice to be in the sunshine. I spied this hairy moss. It’s called haircap moss, and is a Polytrichum. The scientific name is derived from the Ancient Greek words polys, meaning "many", and thrix, meaning "hair". This name was used in ancient times to refer to plants with fine, hairlike parts, including mosses! Isn’t just beautiful 💚
Whiskey loves basking in the sun. Astrid joined him and took a selfie with her pal.


1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

You have blooms, pretty moss and sunshine!! :)