My sister in law Barbara fell and broke her femur. She’s 83 I think. She lives with my niece. I was afraid of the outcome, but she is determined and strong. She’ll be back home soon.
Logan and Astrid sold his truck, a blue diesel Ram. He got that ride at 16 and he loved it. They have a camper and the old truck often had issues. They couldn’t go camping ⛺️ too far away. So this is a big rig that will pull a load. Logi brought it over to show me. A cold rain was falling or I’d had him drive me around in it. They worked on the barn yesterday afternoon.
oh dear! prayers said for successful healing. linda ks
Oh my falls can be so serious. Hope she mends! Nice truck that Logan has...up here white is lost in the snow or dirty from the dirt roads:)
There was a time when it seemed like an old person having a fall just ended in death. They've come a long way.
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