Sunday, June 24, 2007

Going to the Farm!

The big ball I put on this map is Powell Farm
where I grew up. Father bought it after WWII,
about 1946. George and Fleta and Clayton, too,
live there now.

If you look there are two little roads, one running
to the farm and then there is a gap. The gap is
Dry Creek. It is just a little Creek, but there is
no bridge across it. If I wanted to go to where
Grandpa Powell lived from the old Farm, I would
have to travel around the world to get there.

Patsy got there by crossing the Creek on a foot
log that Daddy cut to fall across the Dry Creek.
We are still locked in by nature, just as our
ancestors were. We forgot how fast a big
drought, storm, or floods can determine how
are lives are spent.

Computers can take pictures, but they can not
build bridges.

Hillary was in AR last evening. She said if she is
elected....WE WILL have health care.


patsy said...

we don't need a map to find the farm , just follow your heart.

Sister--Helen said...

I am surprised they have it on the map...

Galla Creek said...

Well, it is the most important place in the world. Should be on
all maps. teehee

Sister--Helen said...

I remember being very young and Me and Daddy driving by his old home place, some rickedy old house and him saying, 'there ought to be a flag in that yard. ' Joking because that was where he was born.

Betty said...

That's one campaign promise I think we can believe. But, we'll have to see what the details are.