This is Fleta, Patsy, and I when we went over
in Oklahoma one year and met a bunch of Powells
who were kin to us that we had discovered. We went
to their family reunion. Oh, course, Patsy was the hit
of the day as she was able to tell them stories and keep
everyone entertained. She has aged and grown tired,
but inside she is the same. On the computer, she is
young and vibrant again...up to her old antics.
My daughter Erin is a nurse and she went yesterday to
check on Patsy. She said she did not think the intestines
had a lot of infection in them like we feared.
They put a suction on Pat's intestines through her nose.
This I guess was to relieve the twisted kink. Anyway,
when they take it out if Patsy is without pain, she
will get to go home and come back for her surgery
that will be scheduled. When they take it out
the pain returns, she will have surgery now.
I was going to Rogers today, but now I will wait
to see what happens.
Patsy is an independent lady. She had been all her
life. She has worked hard in garment plants, nursing
homes, chicken plants. She often did the work of
a man. She has some mesh in her stomache from a
hernia repair. She has scar tissue there from past
Each of you who have responded by sending Patsy
a card or email, don't realize what it will mean to
Old Sister. Thanks to all for caring. If she goes
home, the hospital will forwardany mail to her
home address, she will not miss any message.