Friday, January 19, 2007

Sunny Lane Cookbook

Grandma was president of the Sunny Lane
Home Demonstration Club in about 1950,
the year of my birth. They published a
cookbook like so many groups do today.
The Sisters have one copy which Fleta
scanned in and has posted on the internet.
I tried to remember where it was and couldnot.
Here are some of their household hints:
  • Box crackers will keep better is stored in the pots and pans drawer of your stove.
  • To eliminate cabbage odor when cooking drop a whole walnut in boiling water.
  • Give extra gloss to linoleum by adding a little clothes starch to the mop water.
  • Clothes won't freeze on the line if you had a half cup of salt to the last rinse.


Galla Creek said...

Hey, do you think she walnut. I bet she did for black walnuts were all over the Powell farm.

Wonder how many rinses they used for the clothes...yuk...I rinse once!

And...sorry, I don't think you can even buy clothes starch anymore. Remember starching the clothes...using the spinkle bottle...rolling them up in a clothes basket...ironing the entire basket full!

What a life the Sisters have left behind. Don't think I even want to go back. I would just a soon...go to work! Which is what all the mothers have done, but the family has been sacrificed! There is no winning.

Oh, also, I doubt that half a cup of salt would be very good for our water pipes. Grandma did not have water pipes!

Annie said...

Hi Sister Three,

I love to read those hints from times past and even like to try them now and again.

Thinking about mothers working and families being sacrificed, it's true that one person can only do so much. So when two parents work outside the home, two parents need to fully participate in the childrearing and housekeeping or there will be some things left undone or done poorly. No way around it. But I've seen many single parents who've done valiant jobs raising wonderful children - they've just had to do more, longer, better . . . They are true heroes!

You asked if I've been sleeping in. For a while over the holidays I did stay up late and sleep in late and I got into the habit of posting at 10p.m. (I've set my blogger clock ahead two hours so it registers as midnight when I post). Now I'm getting up quite early again but still am doing the nighttime posting. See how quickly I get into habits?

dot said...

I wish sister Fleta would tell where it's posted.

Sister, I remember my mother ironing like that and also using the iron that you had to keep heating on the stove. "We've come a long way baby!" lol

Annie said...

You will always be "sweet sister" in my heart, Sister Three,even though you refuse to own the name any longer. Thank you for the extra comments on my post today. I hope you could see the photo that second time.

Sister--Helen said...

I wish I could find the sprinkler head they used to put in a pop bottle to sprinkle the clothes before they rolled them up and often put them into the frig....They iron better when you put them in a frig and I still use that trick....It was told to me by Barbara Powell years ago... Barbara used to iron EVERYTHING and she had one of those pop bottle sprinkler heads...Betty I would pay a "pretty penny" if you could find me one .....Tell Erin to look at the junk stores for me...

Sister--Helen said...

Betty Here is a link where you can get to the cookbook but I can't bring it up

see if you may be Mike's computer I am on...
By the way..use
then "sunny lane cookbook"
and It came right up!!!

Sister--Helen said...

also here


Sister--Fleta said...

The cookbook is here

I had it up on our Powell site and Rootsweb changed things around and dumped the folder I had it in, so I put it on our CCHS county site, hoping it would not get dumped.

When you search, sometimes google returns the old site, even tho it has not been there for several years.

Anonymous said...

We had and still have WI the Womens Institute! Great photos and hints.

Anonymous said...

I am going to post some of the pages on my blog. I found it later just could not remember where you put it. Then remembered you told me to bookmark it and I had. I also recalled that rootsweb had done away with the food area is why it was dumped from there.
Sister 3

dot said...

Thanks for posting the address! I've been checking out the recipes.