Wednesday, January 10, 2007


My husband brought these to me at school on
our anniversery. I was shocked. I don't think
he has gotten me flowers but one other time
in our 36 celebrations! The kids all cheered.
It was really sweet and a nice surpise!


Sister--Helen said...

I'll bet the Grand Girl made him do it...

Galla Creek said...

You may be right Astrid may have suggested it...but it may be because of Saturday.

That was Jan. 6...two days before our anniversery. Up in the morning, he called on the cell phone and said ..."how many is it" and I said "how many what" he said "years". To which I said "YOU HAVE THE WRONG DAY!"

Anonymous said...

I bet the kids cheered cause they thought this would put you in a good mood and you would take it easy on them. I bet they were wrong.

George is more likely to remember these things than I am.

sweetest sister fleta
playing at work

Annie said...

Isn't it funny what our men do to surprise us? Mine gave me flowers for maybe the second time ever on our wedding anniversary last year.
It seemed so much more remarkable and special than if he'd done it every year.

I still don't know what moved him but I sort of suspect two things: like most men, he's become, over time, more dependent upon his wife and realizes how much he needs me (to talk with him, feed him, clean around him, etc) and secondly, there's this big marketing campaign by florists that reminds men to buy (and it's so easy to just pick up the phone!)

Those are beautiful flowers, Sister. I bet it lifted the spirits of the classroom just to see them all day.

Unknown said...

You are a very lucky person - I know the kids at school use to get such a kick when my sweet daughter sent flowers - somehow, Mike really never got the message, even for our 40th this summer - Congratulations on 36 wonderful years.

dot said...

Hi Sister. How neat that your hubby got you flowers and the kids cheered! Happy Anniversary!