Monday, September 16, 2024


The False-Foxglove is blooming in the Meadow! It’s called false because the bloom looks like Foxglove’s bloom, but they are different plants.  Real Foxglove is used to make heart medicine.  The blooms remind one of a glove with fingers! 


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Knot Tied

My sister’s grandson got married in New Mexico.  He’s in the army and is stationed in Colorado.  The bride is from New Mexico.  Fleta rode out this her son.  They are on their way home now.

Bride and groom—Lane and Sheyenne— wishing them the best.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Muhly Grass

This is pink Muhly grass.  It’s beautiful.  You’ll see a clump growing like a pink bouquet! Muhly grass is named for Gotthif Henry Ernest Mühlenberg (1753-1815), who was the pastor of the Trinity Lutheran Church in Lancaster, Pa., and an avid amateur botanist. Plant people throughout history have let their interest in plants turn to passion and their passion turn to obsession. Herr Mühlenberg seems to be one of those people and in my old age I am too.  When I see a flower in the weeds, it sets off a flurry of thoughts.  I’m wondering what it’s called, where it came from, what’s its uses.  I’m weird.

I mowed yesterday.  I’ve had a bad August.  I spent half the month broke out in hives.  Dr. Said it was likely a combination of causes— mowing 2 hours in 100 plus heat, grass blowing all over me, and Bible study teacher telling me how stupid I was for believing in women’s rights and voting how I choose.  He knew what was best for all especially women.  So I spent almost 3 weeks scratching.  I am mowing again.  That Bible study is over for me.  Some things I don’t have to do.  

My lawn mower during all this would not start.  Grass was just sitting still from no rain.  Logan was working in North AR on Razorback Stadium staying with other Grandparents up there.  I called where I bought it.  They picked it up free.  I told them to get it ready for next year.  I got a new battery, new blades—it has 3, and all the regular stuff too.  Cost was 639.21.  I’m back in business again and just in time because Francine brought us a little rain and my grass needed to be cut.  I did half and will mow the front today.  It cut like when it was new.  🥰☺️🥰


Mrs. Clean

Oh dear, Sister Helen dropped her NEW iPhone 15 in her bucket of dirty mop water.  She bought a new spin mop.  First she scrubbed all the cabinets.  Then she scrubbed all the ceilings.  Next all other things she thought might be dirty got scrubbed!  Lastly, she scrubbed the floors! Boom, phone fell off kitchen counter and landed in the mop bucket full of dirty water.  Don’t try to call Sister.  Phone is off and drying just as internet recommended!  She has my old iPad so she can still search what to do.  I just want to boast—my iPhone 12 is just fine.  I’ve never dropped it in a mop bucket.  I don’t own a spin mop.  I really don’t have a mop bucket.  I use an old wash pan they give you when you’re in the hospital!  Yelp, I’m feeling smug!  My ceilings aren’t scrubbed nor are my cabinets.  But my phone is working fine!



My Spider Lilies don’t seem to compare to those in their native Japan.

I wore my ,La shirt and converse shoes to Kroger today.  No one said any ugly stuff to me.  One year I bought these same shoes for all my grandchildren.  I really don’t think one should push how you feel about politics on others.  Sometimes it slips out.  I believe in all having their right to their opinions.


Friday, September 13, 2024

Take a bath

Sharing the bath water!

Today all the little Finches and Blue Birds decided it was time for a bath.  Glad I did not have to clean the bathroom after this bathing episode.

Wash under your arm…ah I mean wings.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Muscadine Jelly

I’m so lucky but lead a very boring life.  My breakfast alternates—rolled oats one day and egg the next, my own healthy eggs and Kroger’s oats.  Laura got muscadines for her birthday from her friend Terri.  She made jelly.  This is where my luck came in play— one jar did not pop.  She brought it to me.  Her jelly is sooo good.  It’s full of favor and low sugar.  I’m surely blessed.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I loved Connie’s Poem

 So I contrived one of my own! As I go every morning!

I’m not Dr. Seuss but…

Today is my day.

I’m  off to Great Places!

I’m  off and away!

I’ve  brains in my head.

I’ve  feet in my shoes

I can steer myself

Any direction I choose.

I’m  on my own. 

And I know what I know.

I am the one to decide which way I will go!

Astrid gave her horses a make over!  Love their new dos🌻


James Earl Jones passed away.  He had a full life, I think.  He was 93.  Born in Mississippi, he was raised by his mother’s parents in Michigan.  He went there when young and was so frightened he became a stutterer. He spent his first grades mute at school.  He never said a word because of the speech problem.  He served in the Korean War, went to college majoring in pre med, became a well known actor.  Guess he was a goat, but spell it gote. He received a Grammy, Oscar, Tony, Emmy!  He said—When you are mute, you become a good listener - it's all one-way. You appreciate the written word. You appreciate the sound.  When he did speak in church or school, all the children laughed at him.

What comes to mind when you think of James Earl Jones?  Darth Vader?  Well, for me it’s his reading the Bible.  I had tapes of him reading KJV of the New Testament.  Tapes are history so now when I ride my indoor Schwinn Bike, I find him on YouTube.  He’s there.  My second favorite reader is ALEXANDER SCOURBY.  He’s on YouTube too!  Both make riding my bike more bearable!

RIP James Earl Jones


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Riders in The Meadow

Logan and Astrid saddled up and road the horses Sunday.  I love seeing them.
Clarksville has a new RN and Astrid created sign hanger for her door as a gift. 
It was very cool and nice today.  I walked twice.  I still get tired.  I was broke out in hives 3 weeks.  I hope I get my humph back soon.  I’ve got things that need to be done.

Below is Ingrid’s door hanger! I love it.  Since newly married and now with a real job, Ingrid can do some things she did not do before.   She’s really talented.  Her hand printing is beautiful💛

Monday, September 9, 2024

GFHS 2025

And in just a blink of an eye, little Robert and Hannah are graduating from GFHS.  It’ll be 60 years since their Grandmother graduated from the same.  I’m wishing them a happy life! 

 The screen on the sliding door to my back porch would not stay on track. I cleaned the bottom channel several times.  I finally just left it off thinking I’d have to get Laura to help me.  I’m not good at putting things together or fixing anything.  Larry did all that stuff.  Well, I thought I saw some red dirt in the top channel.  A Huge dirtdobber nest was in it.  They’d filled the slide channel with red mud.  I cleaned it out with a flat screw driver and it went on snug and correct.  I sprayed wd40 all in the channels, top and bottom and both sides.  It’s sliding along like it’s on glass.  Sister Helen says wd40 is good for everything. She sprays it on her knees.  I’m feeling like an engineer!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Rock House

Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Rock House

In 1928, Rose wilder had a house built for her parents to live out their retirement. It was built from a house plan from the Sears and Roebuck  catalog called “the Mitchell”.  Sears even sold house kits.  Some of these houses still exist in Russellville, AR.  Laura’s favorite color was green and both her houses featured the color green. Rose lived in their old farm house and Laura wrote the books about her childhood in this little house.  Rose edited all her writing.  After the depression started to ease, Rose moved back to New York and Almanzo and Laura immediately returned to their farmhouse.  They rented the rock house.  

My Laura is named for her Dad, but I read these books growing up and admired Laura Ingalls.  My teacher Bessie Atchley first introduced me to these books. She read aloud to us after lunch. She was a great teacher and lit the spark for me and many other children at Green Forest Elementary to love reading.  I feel sad for those that don’t enjoy reading.  Reading is far more entertaining than tv.  The best way to learn about anything is to read about it yourself.


Saturday, September 7, 2024

A Little trip

For Laura’s birthday Astrid wanted to take her to Laura Ingalls Wilder’s home in Missouri. Sig and I tagged along.  Today we visited Baker’s Heirloom Seed Farm at Mansfield, MO.  There are 100s of flower and vegetable gardens.  I loved it as I love plants.  

Laura and I are staying in Laura’s room.  Sig and Astrid have to stay in mean old Nelly Olson’s room.

These are gourds.  You can buy seeds of the plants.  The flowers are gorgeous.


Friday, September 6, 2024

Greta’s Goblins Win

Greta hits to the hole in their defense. They won the match but it took 3 games.  Glad they beat Siloam Springs.


Sun was shining on old Crow Mountain this evening!  I love the Cove.  I love the Meadow, but the mountain is precious too!  Isn’t it beautiful in the sun 🌞

One of my kids is competing in the Paralympics in Paris.  She is a runner.  She competes at 4 AM Friday.  I hope she wins gold. I know it’s been a great experience for her.


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Ada School Days

Ada’s school pictures are here.  I love them. Erin said the photo called the book “Ramona the Pest” to mind!  You’d have to have read the books about Ramona to get the picture!  Ada is a joy!

Siggie is running for a position at ATU.  She wants to serve her people.
Sister Helen and Fleta, your shirts are in the mail. 🔵🔵🔵 ,La 🔵🔵🔵