Monday, September 9, 2024

GFHS 2025

And in just a blink of an eye, little Robert and Hannah are graduating from GFHS.  It’ll be 60 years since their Grandmother graduated from the same.  I’m wishing them a happy life! 

 The screen on the sliding door to my back porch would not stay on track. I cleaned the bottom channel several times.  I finally just left it off thinking I’d have to get Laura to help me.  I’m not good at putting things together or fixing anything.  Larry did all that stuff.  Well, I thought I saw some red dirt in the top channel.  A Huge dirtdobber nest was in it.  They’d filled the slide channel with red mud.  I cleaned it out with a flat screw driver and it went on snug and correct.  I sprayed wd40 all in the channels, top and bottom and both sides.  It’s sliding along like it’s on glass.  Sister Helen says wd40 is good for everything. She sprays it on her knees.  I’m feeling like an engineer!

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

Good for you fixing stuff! Congratulations to those beautiful children, I bet they are twins!