Friday, March 31, 2023

Doing Something That Matters


What talent do you have?  I don’t have many talents.  I can’t sing.  I can’t play any musical instrument.  i am not really good at many useful things.   After I retired in 2012, I received a message from a 55 year old woman in Texas.  We matched as 3rd to 4th cousins, in DNA.  She did not know who her mother or father was.  I started trying to help her using her DNA.  It took almost 2 years, but we solved her mystery.  Since then, I’ve been asked about 20 more times to help with figuring out a mystery.  Now, I can usually solve the mystery in 24 hours if it involves one parent.  

I mentioned on FB about helping someone in this manner.  A friend on FB who is a cousin to one of my husband’s cousins sent me a message.  All her life she wanted to know who her father was.  I told her if she would submit a sample to Ancestry I might be able to assist her.  Well, she’d done this years before.  She had paid for others in her family to submit their DNA and still she had no idea.  Well, it took me a day to tell her who her father was.  He had passed but she had two half sisters. I helped her find contact information.  She sent two letters and pictures of her family.  One letter came back, but one did not. A few months passed.  A new match was in her file. A niece.  Her sister’s daughter submitted her DNA.  Then she received a letter from her sister.  The two new sisters live in a different state, but finally she met them.  It’s a very rewarding experience for me giving something to someone that money can’t buy.  The picture is Shirley and her sisters, Dorothy and Candi.  Dorothy said I’m an honorary sister. 

Thursday, March 30, 2023

18 Years


Sigrid turned 18 and we celebrated with pie.  She’s a blessing.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

A Little Sad

The Paul Newman book left me a little sad.  The phrase “sins of the father are visited upon the children” comes to mind.  We like to think that a son would turn from the addictions he has seen his father suffer, but that is often not the case.   Paul Newman sought to do right.  He spoke humbly about his life.  The book is based on his 100’s of hours of taped interviews with Stewart Stern, a close friend.  Facts about Newman—father was a Jew; he grew up in a rich neighborhood; he was well educated; he was color blind; he was a gunner in WW II.  He cared, but failed his own son.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Rain, Worms, Robins

Robins made their way back from the woods and are running across my yard again.  The day we had the warm rain robins were everywhere. I watched them pulling up earthworms, their main food in spring. Three things occur in March, robins, worms, and rain.  When the rain hits the ground it creates vibrations on the soil surface. This causes earthworms to come out of their burrows.  The robins are ready to snatch them up.  I enjoy watching them. Robins don't cock their heads towards the ground to listen, but to see. A robin will move across the ground, pause for a moment and tip its head. With one of its eyes staring downward, the bird will search for any sign of movement and grab a bite!


Monday, March 27, 2023

All the Rains

All this rain is preparing beautiful surprises for later!


Sunday, March 26, 2023

Fort Smith— Doorway to the West

Here Comes the Judge!  Erin and  Greg took the kids to Fort Smith Museum of History Friday!  Erin tried to think of day trips for the children to enjoy this week!  She’s pretty special♥️

Some of the Museum’s features are: the story of William O. Darby, founder and commander of Darby’s Rangers, a collection of vintage vehicles that includes the 1911 J.J. Little, Fort Smith's first fire engine, and an 1857 Napoleon Cannon used by the Union forces during the Civil War. Other exhibitions include a revised display of the 1998 exhibition "In the Shadow of the Gallows", which includes original furnishings from the court of Judge Isaac C. Parker; "On the Air", an exhibit featuring the history of radio and television broadcast in Fort Smith and the region, beginning in 1922; an impressive collection of 19th century woodworking tools; and a depiction of the well-known Goldman Hotel in downtown Fort Smith.

Judge Parker’s desk for court—Ada and Greta called for order.


Miss Laura’s was a house of ill-repute. 
Belle Starr’s saddle

Greg with the grands—Museum in the background

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Laura’s Home

Tuesday, Erin drove to Wright County, Missouri and visited the home of Laura Ingalls Wilder.  Ada wore one of the dresses I bought her for Christmas.  She thinks she is quite striking.  

The reading bug bit me in 4th grade.  My teacher was Bessie Atchley.  She had a small library in our room and read to us each day after lunch. The book she read from was also in her library.  She’d tell us to check the book out if we did not want to wait to hear what happened as she only read one chapter a day.  She knew what she was doing.  I’d check out what she started reading and soon I was a very good reader.  The Little House in the Big Woods was one of the first books I enjoyed.  Bless Mrs. Atchley’s heart—a wonderful teacher.

The rock cottage was the home of Laura Ingall’s daughter Rose Wilder.
Pa’s Fiddle that entertained the family on long cold evenings in their cabin.
The Wilder Home is now a museum.  It’s in Wright County, M9.
Ada got to wear one of the dresses I bought her at Christmas.  She’s admiring her image.
Clayton went along but Erin may have forced him to go.

Ada Ready for Rain

Ada got her new raincoat and rain boots early.  They were for her birthday but the Jones family went to the Lady Razorbacks game yesterday evening and it poured all day.  South Arkansas had storm damage.

When they got to the game Ada got a snack.  She’s happy about that.  

Ada loves to color and she loves her new purple rain outfit.

The Ladies won their came.  I think now they are in the elite 8.  The men Razorbacks lost to UConn. 


Home Again

Siggie thinks she wants to go lots of places but she gets home sick and it spoils her fun.  We miss her when she’s away because she is the best company.
Sigrid is in her own bed at last.
Sig, Ellie, Taviah, and Sadie—high school buds⛷️
Sigrid loves pasta dishes, I’m not a fan of Italian food.  Oregano makes me sick.  Something about the spice.
Sig and me going to Astrid and Logan’s bid event.  She snapped us.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Flying Tigers

Flying Tigers on the Wind—The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail!


Thursday, March 23, 2023

Coffee on the Porch

I love to sit and watch the birds mornings.  Today was that kind of day.  💚Spring joined me💚
Astrid took in a rescue for Rooster.  Rooster needs a friend she said.  I must ask her name!
Logan and Astrid 2017 - six years ago.  He wanted to ask her to his prom but was scared she’d turn him down.  Danny Kirby offered him a 100 dollar bill if he’d do it.  He did and that was the beginning of their lives together.  Logan showed Danny pictures of Asti he’d stolen off instagram.  She’s beautiful, Logan said, and Danny said she’s a good girl too.  Both were right.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Hiking Is Free

Erin took her bunch on a hike.  She took the week off as Ada has no Day School.  Ada loves rocks so I know she loved it.  She has big people to carry her when she gets tired.  


Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Finally Getting It

Sigrid is getting a little better at skiing.