Thursday, September 12, 2024

Muscadine Jelly

I’m so lucky but lead a very boring life.  My breakfast alternates—rolled oats one day and egg the next, my own healthy eggs and Kroger’s oats.  Laura got muscadines for her birthday from her friend Terri.  She made jelly.  This is where my luck came in play— one jar did not pop.  She brought it to me.  Her jelly is sooo good.  It’s full of favor and low sugar.  I’m surely blessed.



Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh the jelly looks perfect! I do yogurt and granola one day and toast and an orange the next...sometimes eggs. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day:)

DrumMajor said...

The simple things are great! I think that pepper on your eggs is also keeping your innards healthy! Ahhh choo from me. Linda in Kansas