Tuesday, November 14, 2017

How I Miss My Sister

 In 2007, Fleta was redoing Debbie's bed...which Helen sleeps in I think....Helen said in September of 2007

Debby's Bed...How I miss my sister...I remember daddy speaking about someone years ago...this mans young son had died the man said 'All I can do now is live the best straight and moral life I can so I can see him again one day. he can't come back to me but I can go to him...' This is how I feel about Debby..First I want to see Jesus and my Heavenly Father, then my precious Little Debby..
September 7, 2007 at 3:37 PM 

Fleta had a plan--work a while and rest a while!

 This is the Halloween costume I looked for on Halloween this year.  Helen went to work dressed as a table complete with a cigarette and book on her bosom!
 There was a sinking spot in Erin's floor and she told Greg to get it fixed before Thanksgiving!  She did not want her Momma falling through to the dirt underneath.  Helen--Erin says to be sure to invite Gilbert!

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