Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Cold, Sleet, Snow, Ice

Just when I thought I’d survived the ice storm, it all started repeat, repeat.  I will go out my back door.  Front is slick.  It was below freezing all day.
Eric took me to check on my friend.  She was groggy and in pain.  I’ll go tomorrow if I can get there.  They were already doing therapy.  She was freezing too.  I turned up her heat.  Hope tomorrow shefells better.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Sweet Sleep

 I love watching a little one sleeping😴

Sleep, little one, may you find your rainbow. May you find the joy of dreams come true, And on your way, may life be good to you.

Egg Rainbow

 Here’s a rainbow from eggs compliments of Astrid.  She takes her big RN test today at Little Rock. My Sisters have icy roads.  Glad ours are clear.  

My friend of over 52 years has knee replacement today.  I will take her and do all she needs me to do.  I pray I can be there for her as she has no immediate family to help.  I think it’ll mainly be driving her, but I can stay at her house if need be.

This is Sister’s little puppy in his new home.  He looks pretty snug and happy.  She has one more to go home.  
Here are the three with Momma when they were a month old.  So cure.

Sunday, January 29, 2023


 Astrid bought a little heated house for Rooster.  Rooster stays outside so the house will be nice when it’s really  cold.  Astrid said she thinks Rooster is a male not a female.  Fits the name. He’s in the dog house here.  His new little house is red.  It folds up.  She said she’d store it in the summer as he won’t use it then.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Snow Still

 Mound Nebo still has snow.  Higher elevations are much colder.  I walked two miles.  Yesterday I rode my bike as it was cold until afternoon.  Soon January will be over.  

Friday, January 27, 2023

A Strong Aversion


I did not forget to feed the birds when the ground was covered with snow.  The woodpecker does not like the blue jays or vise versa.  He doesn’t care to share the flat feeder with other birds large and small.  
I have been riding my bike for exercise as the wet snow left a large mess outside.  I think I will do that again today but I might walk in the afternoon as it’s supposed to warm above 50 degrees.

 I had lots of Turtle doves.  They had their feathers puffed out because of the cold.   Doves eat what the other birds drop--the leavings.  My Daddy loved doves and I think of him when I see them.  They are a kind and peaceful bird--an example for us.

My next crochet project…

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Poor Animals

 When the weather is bad I feel for all the animals.  I saw Manchi, Astrid’s horse, pawing the snow to get to the grass beneath it. Then later he was rolling in like he was taking a bath.  When the snow was on I just left my chickens in the pen.  I can’t be a very sophisticated person.  Last week a former teacher and his wife came by with egg cartons they’d saved for me.  Later I saw chicken poop on my door mat.  I swept it off the porch. Guess they saw it, too. I’m just a hillbilly and admit it. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Wet Snow

I suppose we got about 4 inches of snow.  I think Fleta said they had 10 inches, now I’m not sure what she said.  Looks like Harrison has more than we did.  It was a wet snow and today the temp reached 40 so it’s almost gone.  Laura and I went to walk.  Her school was out.  I wore hiking boots so I wouldn’t slip and fall. 
Looks like Ada liked playing.  Erin had her wrapped up snugly. 


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Snow, Snow

It started snowing about 3 PM and the ground is covered in less than an hour.  Laura said no school for her tomorrow.



This large dog visited Ada’s school.  She went over to pet him. She saw him as a friend.  


Monday, January 23, 2023

Hurt Feelings


Sometimes, we’re not hurt badly, but just need a little tender care to cover up bruised feelings.

Sunday, January 22, 2023


I can’t cook some things now but I can still bake cornbread.  I like the top of mine brown.  I add an egg. Momma did not put egg or sugar in hers.  Cornbread is an old American food.  Natives dried or roasted corn and ground it into a meal for making bread, cakes and porridge. Cornmeal did not ruin quickly.  It kept many of my ancestors from starving to death.  Before long, the settlers were creating American dishes made from cornmeal. They baked a version of Indian bread made of cornmeal, salt and water called pone or corn pone. Pone came from the Algonquin word apan, meaning "baked." The Narragansett word for cornbread, nokechick, became no-cake and then hoe-cake. Because cornbread traveled well, some began calling it journey cake, which evolved into the name Johnny cake.  Call it whatever you want.  Hillbillies like me call it good.


Greta’s Basketball

 Greta’s team played in Springfield, MO this weekend.  They won all their games.  Because they had only five players everyone played all the time.  I think this was the last games this year.  I did not get to see her play.  I think next year I’ll get to see her some.  She’ll be on a school team and games will be in Harrison half the time.

Friday, January 20, 2023


 I thought this cloud looked like a dragon.

January is almost over. I think it’s my least favorite month.  It’s cold.  Days are short.  Tax man rears his head.  I have paid more taxes the last two years than a former President.  I will pay this year too.  Glad I have money though.  So I guess I should applaud owing taxes.

Logan is 24

Happy Birthday to Logan Roberts.  He’s a guy who will try anything and succeeds.  Maybe in 2023 I can finally call him grandson.  I knew he was a keeper when we met ‘cause Pop loved him. Hope this is his best year ever💚


Thursday, January 19, 2023

A is for Ada

A is for Ada! Ada’s class is studying the alphabet.  All these children’s monikers start with A.  She is the only Ada.  A is for adorable 💎

I found this frame with burlap trim for Sigrid and the donkeys picture.  


Wednesday, January 18, 2023

My, My, That Sky

Just when you think you’ve witnessed the most beautiful sky, the Lord sends one even more spectacular!

I go out at dusk to lock my chicken coop and I am rewarded by a painting above.  Feeling awed and blessed by the beauty.


Walking With Friends

Morning walks are better with friends.  I stop along the way to visit.


Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Rooster Crowing

Rooster, the kitten Astrid found abandoned in her hen nests, is 7 months old.  She’s really a sweet kitty.


Monday, January 16, 2023

Sigrid is Framed

 Got my Sigrid senior pictures hung.  Kurt Jones did such a great job.  It was hard to choose my three!

Sunday, January 15, 2023


My niece Emily Aday’s very special friend Lex Hilton runs for the Razorbacks.  I want to congratulation Lex for winning the mile run at the Arkansas Invitation.  There was another column of runners on the next page who lost to him.  Does my heart good to see graduates of my alma mater, Green Forest High School, doing well.  Have you ever tried running a mile?  Not easy, I’ve ran it.  I hope Lex has more successful running events this season.  1 Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.


Saturday, January 14, 2023

Brush Gone

I finally was able to rid myself of this huge pile of brush.  I went to Walmart and purchased some diesel.  I had tried twice to burn the pile with boxes and paper I had to get it going.  The fire would just go out.  I had to re-stack this over and over to get it all burned.  Took me the entire day, but I was able to do it.  I’m head yard man at my house.  

Laura and I can use our little chain saw and start a new pile now.  

Saturday, I attended my friend Jonell’s husband’s funeral.  Lots of folks were there showing respect for Kenny Gatlin.  My daughters attended with me.  Helen and Fleta were there too.  As I entered the building a friend growing up said, “hi, Fleta”.  I said “hi” in return and then she realized I wasn’t Fleta.  Guess we look lots alike.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Just Like That

Well, and just like that, my silly hobby is making sense to many.  Like Sister Patsy, astrid and I are ordering new chicks for spring.  I’m getting a couple of Marans.  They lay a really dark brown egg.

 I lock my chickens up at night to protect them from varmints.  They are free range birds making their eggs much more nutritious.  I don’t let them out of their coop until about 2 in the afternoon so they all lay in the nests provided.  

“If you know somethin’ well, you can always paint it but people would be better off buying chickens.” – Grandma Moses