Thursday, July 30, 2020

Dr. From My Home Town

Eric Spann is a Doctor from my home town.  I laughed when I read his FB post.  Now is the time you can pretend to be a doctor and say what you want. And millions will repost what these imposters say and many millions will believe the lies.  

Well, Be Persistent

I saw my dear friend of many years couldn’t post to her blog and when I tried to post it gave me an error message—safari can’t connect to the server.  If this blog goes away it will be like another death as I have posted here since 2006.  I can’t deal with another death for a while.  Been too many around here.

I thought I’ll try to post from laptop as it is not an I product.  I felt relief when I was able to post.  So I thought I needed to figure out why iPad wouldn’t connect.  I recall my sister Fleta telling me to shut the machine down and turn it back on.  I did that, but still it gave same message.  So I googled the problem and there was a technical answer.  Too complicated for me.  I thought to try logging out and back in.  Low and behold that worked.  I guess it lost a connection and when I logged in again that reset the connection.

I hope Margie gets hers working.   I have checked on her everyday for a long time and I I don’t want to lose my contact with her.  Margie, if yours messes up, try logging out and then log back in.  I am glad to have you for a caring friend.
I wanted a photo and blogger suggested this one.  I can’t really see it well on the iPad but it’s probably one I posted in the past.


Wow, the summer is flying by.  Soon cooler weather will arrive.  Today, I hit an big high with my weight.  I hope I can be more sensible and get some of the excess pounds off before cold weather.

Yesterday, as Laura drove to Harrison, I watched the side of the road for wild flowers and I notice a beautiful purple flower over and over along Highway 7.  Butterflies flitted around the clusters.  I decided to look it up when I got home.  
They are called Gayfeather and Blazing Stars. What perfect names. This morning after my walk at the State Park, I checked their butterfly garden and spotted one there. They are a member of the sunflower family and native to North America. Aren’t they spectacular!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Surprise Today

💕💕 Surprise Surprise 💕💕

My pleasant surprise today was my lilies were blooming—naked ladies in my backyard!  They bloom in late summer and for the rest of my life I will think of Rick D. Griffin when I see the beautiful flowers.  Rick was laid to rest today in Maplewood Cemetery, Harrison, AR. I wish to live the rest of my days like Rick—making each day count, being a help to others, loving even when some are unlovable, never complaining but silently bearing my pain.  Rick will be missed.

Coming home from Harrison, we ate at the Cliff House Restaurant.  We had to wait on the deck and I took this picture.  There was a misty rain and the view isn’t clear but it was spectacular.  They had hummingbird feeders and pretty flowers to attract birds and butterflies.  The vista was gorgeous. Ingrid was with us.  I enjoyed her so much.  I hardly ever get to see her.  The place was very safe.  Tables were separated, everyone was masked.  It was very pleasant.  Since, I am here alone now, I really enjoy getting to eat out. 
There are two popular forms of surprise lilies—Lycoris squamigeria, naked lady, and Lycoris radiata, spider lily. Naked ladies have pink trumpet shaped blooms and spider lilies have a red, delicate, spider-like flower.   The blooms appear long after the foliage dies back in early summer, hence the name surprise lily. If you are like me, you’ll forget they are there until the flower stalk emerges in late summer.
Clayton would not sat in the family section.  He sat with me.  His Papa had had 3 kidney transplants, heart surgery, serious hernia surgery.  The Reverend spoke of his wore out body and how now he had a new body that was perfect.  Doctors told Rick’s parents that he might not live out of his teens, but he made it to 63 years almost 64.  They were productive years.  He was a fireman for 20 rears, served in city and county government, retired from working at he hospital.  I know part of the time he worked in dialysis, which he had been on more than once.  Rick traveled, fished, hunted, but mostly he loved.  He loved his family and really everyone he met.  I could see that Clayton got the message.  It was good for him to hear.   I was happy we sat together.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Captiva Vacay

 Eric shared his phone photos with me from their Captiva Vacation.  I love the happy faces.

 This picture is a real grabber.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Snowball, Arkansas

What better way to remember Rick Griffin than with this song.
Snowball, AR

Ingrid Elizabeth

Friday, July 24, 2020

Rick D. Griffin

 Rick Griffin passed away this afternoon.  He spent most of his life struggling to live.  His fight is over and he is victorious.  Clayton, Greta,and Ada have lost both Pop and Papa.

July 24

Erin and Greg went to KC last night.  Rest of family on their way.

Got to thinking yesterday, someone you love dying is the easy part, you going on from there is the hard part.


My Pope County Library Sells books after they have had them awhile and no one checks them out.  They said the way books go on the sell list is if they sit idle on the shelf for a certain time.  So I bought this one for a dollar.  I enjoyed reading it and sent it to Sister Fleta so she could try her “new eyes”.  It’s a light, funny memoir when Rhoda’s life falls completely apart.  First, she has a hysterectomy.   Her husband leaves her for a man named Bob he meets on gay dot com.  Then she has a bad wreck.  Well, what else to do but go home to her Mennonite parents.  The book is about going home.

Thursday, July 23, 2020


 Siggie sent pictures from Captivia.  Ingrid wasn’t present.  I’ll be glad when all return home.

Neighbors to The rescue

This photo is of a snake Larry took care of for me.

Chapter 2 of Snake Story

This morning when I went to feed my chickens, I carefully checked the hen house.  I saw nothing but decided to check the nests.  Low and behold, the snake was curled up in a different nest.  I decided to text my neighbor Scott.  He said to call if I needed him.  I asked “r u home?”  In cell phone shorthand when he said yes I asked if he’d come and shoot a snake in the chicken pen.  He came immediately and now I am ready to tackle a new day.  Thankful for good neighbors like Scott Savage.

Three C’s

My girls yesterday.

Fleta has second cataract surgery yesterday.  Hope she can see better now.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

What Next

I have been doing pretty well.  Today, I slid backwards.  Went to the chicken pen to get the one or two eggs I usually gather.  I’ve been boiling eggs in the instant pot and feeding them back to the hens as that’s what my precious old sister said to do with the extras.  Well I lifted the lid to the nests and there were no eggs just a huge chicken snake filling  two nests.  I hate snakes.  Always, when I this happened , Larry took care of it.  Last time was last fall.  He was so sick, but he made it to the nests and ended my fear.  I Know these snakes aren’t poisonous but I don’t like big snakes in small hen nests.

I came to the house and fetched my hoe, but I couldn’t have got it out of the raised nests.  He had moved when I made it back to the pen.  So, I have decided I don’t really need chickens any more Larry was the one who loved the eggs.

I know I have to lift my chin and go on...but as the song says “looking for a place to fall apart”.  Today, it was my back porch with the sign that says Pop and Gigi’s Porch.  Brother Gary said I’d pass through sad and arrive at mad.  I hit that spot today.  I thought about taking a black magic marker and drawing a line through Pop, but instead i just sat there angry.  I am wondering what comes after anger?

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Masking up

 Erin and Laura saw this and thought of the 3 sisters, Fleta, Betty and Helen.  So they want me to put it here so you can chuckle.  I think they thought this woman looked like me!  🤣🤣

Careful, Careful

Ada is starting to walk. She only takes a few steps and then grabs what’s nearest for support.  I think she is going to be careful and cautious like her beloved Pop.  He was not one to take chances.  He investigated what he bought.  The older he got, the more careful he was.  Ada will finally get this walking skill down, but she’s in no hurry.  She likes crawling and holding on.

Monday, July 20, 2020


 Phinnie and I saw these weeds This morning on our stroll at 6:30.
 Horse nettle—we just called these sticker weeds.  They belong to the night shade family like potatoes, tomatoes, and egg plant.   All parts are poisonous.

 Milk Thistle
Used to treat liver disease.  Called Mary’s Milk Thistle as legend says a drop of Mary’s milk fell on the plant.

 Bitter Weeds
Strong bitter taste and they are poison.  Animals won’t usually eat enough to be harmful because of the bitter taste.
Trumpet Vine

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Black Gum Turning Red

 The Tupelo Black Gum is starting to turn red and most  of my flowers are finished for the year,  this beautiful Lily made me smile today.

Soon, l will have been alone 5 months.   I am adjusting to my life.  I hope to have a new lawn mower next year so I can be more self efficient.  The one Larry used was wore out.  Before fall, I will sell more equipment in an online auction.  I hope I can make enough to buy a good mower.  There is at least 5 acres here to mow.  Logan is mowing about the same amount at the shop.  So much to do.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Harrison Today

 Went to Harrison today to watch Ada.  Marge had a Dr. appointment.  It was easy.  Ada never cries. She just smiles.  She slept about 3 hours in the afternoon.  I sat in her room and read.

Greta always helps.  I gave her a little tip.  She has a new bike and can really go fast on it.  Clayton went with his Dad to the store.
Fleta will have second cataract surgery next Wednesday.  This one is doing fine.

Asa mandated masks and many are upset.  We have to wear shoes in stores.  I am proud he was brave enough to take a stand.  I have been wearing my mask, but lots don’t.  Larry’s brother has the virus.  He works at a plant.  He isn’t sick, but will stay home 2 weeks.  I will be so glad when we have some good news.

I read Mary Trumps’ book.  I read it in one day.  There is no way to explain how horrible a person our  leader is.  The book goes into none of his sexual ordeals; it’s about psychology.  If you like him, I’d say don’t read it, all those folks on FB who think he wonderful won’t believe it anyway.

I hope your day has been good and hope omorrow is even better.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

If You’re Guilty

Ada said, “Momma, Greta made this mess” as she smiled sweetly.


Ingrid is moving upstairs.  She’ll be living at home and going to ATU.  She is redoing an upstairs room and getting new furniture.   The set is sort of like this but is a full bed and gray colored.  Knobs are different so not boyish looking.  She wanted lots of shelves.  The suit has a desk with more shelves. The upstairs will provide more privacy for her.  She received news today that she passed 4 classes to receive college credit.  One I know was biology.  She will not have to take it in College, already credited.  I am proud of her success. 

Astrid made an A in her on line summer class.  Yippee.  She will be in the nursing program this fall.