Saturday, December 29, 2018

Screaming for Ice Cream

On a freezing day—high 37 degrees— Ingrid is craving ice cream.  Some of Ingie’s favorite foods are:  chocolate milk, potato soup, pumpkin pie, apples with peanut butter, beans, and ice cream.  She loves mashed potatoes with brown gravy or biscuits with white gravy. She doesn’t care much for potato chips, nuts, and a whole list of other foods.  She loves journaling, making lists of favorite things, reading, listing to records—vinyl ones.  Ingrid likes Johnny Cash and many older artists.   Dogs, cats or any pets are not her thing.  Sleeping late and staying up late are habits she likes.   Going to the movies or just watching them on tv is a pastime for her.  When she was a young girl, the movies she loved had dancing and singing in them.  She makes A’s, has lots of friends.  She could have a steady boyfriend but they get in way of her goals.  I bet she makes lists of goals too.  She thinks she would like to be a college professor.  I hope all her dreams come true.

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