Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Arkansas Tech Basketball Camp

 Astrid and her friend, M. K., made the All Star team at the Tech Basketball camp this week. M. K. is standing on the step below Astrid.  She is really tall.  This made Astrid really smile.
 Above Astrid is with her team before a game.
 Here she is waiting with friends before the game.

 She was on the gold team.  At first, the coach made Astrid play post and do the jump ball.  She is a point gaurd, but thought well, whatever!
 She scored 2 points.  The game was only 10 minutes.
 Some older kids were dancing the "wobble" and Sigrid joined in...don't really know what the wobble is.

 Sure am proud of Astrid and I bet her Uncle Clayton would have loved to have watched that game...well maybe he saw it.

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