our garden. Yesterday, we set out the sweet
potatoes on the other side. In between we will
put beans, squash, tomatoes, okra and corn.
We plant our sweet potatoes in a bed. Half
the row is Georgia Jets (because of Dot I
thought they would be tastey and sweet)
and the other half is Beauregards. The Beaus
are a type we have planted before. My Aunt
Thelma told me a sweet potato was one of the
most nutrious foods one could eat. I like to bake
a cookie sheet full, put them in sandwich bags, and
take them to school in my lunch. I save the honey
pkgs. from KFG and put a little bit of butter and
honey. Nothing could be better.
i love your garden, when i was younger if i had a garden with that soft, rock free soil i would have thought i was in heaven. by the way i never feel closer to GOD than when i have my hand in the dirt in a garden.
Sister, the garden is really Larry's and I guess you know it though. That is why he wanted the Galla place...the soil is loamy and good. Sis 3
Wait a minute...you baked the sweet taters whole right...then put honey inside instead of butter? OH SNAP!! It is so hard to find a real sweet tater...one that aint stringy & one that is really sweet! Sister it is so pretty there.
Nice looking garden.
that should say kfc...not g. oh, i am getting old. sis 3
I just know I made a comment on this post! I must have done something wrong. I love your garden. It's so pretty! I hope the Georgia taters are good so you won't blame me. LOL. I've never been to Decater and can't even spell it.
I have never eaten a sweet potato...Helen
Hi Sister Three, I too have heard that sweet potatoes are some of the most nutrition packed foods around. We never ate them when I was growing up but as an adult I have learned to love them. One of my favorite ways to eat it is baked with lime juice squeezed on it. Delicious! Another favorite way is peeled and cut in strips like french fries, rolled in olive oil and roasted at 400 in the oven till done. Equally yum.
Annie in Little Rock
That is a big garden....I wish I had that soil in my yard... helen
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