I took this picture several years ago
at the edge of Galla Meadow. The
snakes rose up and faced each other
in a fight. They moved around in a
circle, never letting their back be to
the other snake. Finally the King
struck the the Copperhead biting
him behind his head. Then quickly
he wrapped his body around and
around. After about 30 minutes
he moved his mouth over the
Copperhead's head and swollowed him
then crawled away to rest. The snakes
were almost the same size. I took this one
picture with a cheap camera. I am proud to
have witnessed this struggle of nature. It
really made an impression on me. I never kill
a King snake.
Well, the winning snake deserved his name that day, didn't he! Annie in Little Rock
i have heard of that all my life but never seen it. i wont kill any snake that is non poison except a black snake.
GOOD NIGHT A LIVIN!!!!! That looks like a rattler to me!! Are the king snakes posionous? He must not be cause Sister I'll tell you the truth...I'll kill a snake with the quickness!! I get them old black snakes bad in my hen house. Couldn't tell you how many times the sap suckers will come in there & eat my eggs!! OH Man I've got the willies now!!! I'm gettin my shovel & going to the hen house right now to see if I can vent!!
Oh my goodness! I have goose bumps! I'm all for anything that will kill a snake, but I can't pass up and leave another snake alive. Ewww! I would have killed the King snake too. I understand what you're saying here, but awgh! I hate snakes!!!
The King snake is not poisonous. He is not affected by the poison snake's bite. So they are pretty defenseless to him. The King eats snakes...
I used to be afraid of snakes and kill them. I let them all go now unless they are Copperheads or Water Moccasins or eating my hen eggs.
sis 3
I just showed this to Danny! Willies again! Darn suckers eat up my eggs like I've got a welfare line or something! When I worked home health years ago...we were poor so I would kill any rattlers I came across, put him in the trunk & later sold them for 5$ a foot. They were 10 $'s a ft if they were alive but I coulnt tolerate that!! Yeah well...the things you do for money!!
sister, this is where me and you aren't alike! I wouldn't have stood there to take the picture. I'm not even coming back here if you show another snake picture!
Aww Sis, you know I'm coming back but I do hate a darn snake!
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