Friday, August 4, 2017


 Astrid was first female in the Russellville Glo Run last night.  The girls went shopping in Fayetteville yesterday, they are growing up.  Astrid and Ingrid held on to all their money looking for better deals and things they wanted.  Sig bought a dress for 6 bucks.
 We started working on the Galla Creek house this week.  Lots to do.  I envision moving back there by the time we hit our 70's.  Too much work over here.  We are working out side.  We had trees removed--and some limbs and mess was left. We had the foundation repaired and they had to remove a huge deck to get to the side of the foundation.  Larry moved it with his little backhoe and we burned it yesterday.  We have a water leak so we turned the water off.  We will need a plumber.  That is our next project.
 There is lots to do.   But all we have is time!

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