Wednesday, June 5, 2013


 First Larry cultivated all the gardens with the cub.  He has a scratcher look plow on the cub that is called a King cultivator.  Larry said a man named King made them for cubs.  International makes ones with a plow point.  But the King ones work better.

 You can see my Kentucky Wonder Pole beans are running.  They need to be staked.

 These are the pole beans.  After he cultivates the garden still needs to be hoed.  That is my job.  Hoeing gets stuff that is between the plants in the row.

 I have a good stand of pumpkins.  Ingrid will be proud.  She loves pumpkin pie and will usually request that for her birthday cake.  I hope I can bring Patsy pumpkins and watermelons this fall.

 Above is my pumpkins and below is the zucchini squash.

 Below is my sweet potatoes--Georgia Jets.  I counted and I have 53 plants.  All look good.

 Above is one of my problems.  I am going to take care of this with the hoe.  With that fabric Larry can not cultivate there.  I may lay another piece of fabric in between these two so I will not have hoe, hoe, hoe.
 Larry in the corn patch.  The corn did not come up real uniformily because of the cool, cool early weather, but we are just happy to have what we do.  The 6 rows will make plenty.  Two of the rows are Candy Corn but I don't recall the other two types we planted.

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