My Sister Helen is coming Sunday. I will be glad to have a visitor!
Friday, January 31, 2025
Lots of Rain
Thursday, January 30, 2025
I’m in Therapy😂
I’m making a ear muff! It’s therapy!
Did you know?
The repetition of crocheting calms the mind.
Crocheting releases feel-good serotonin.
Focusing on patterns reduces anxiety!
Crochet produces a smooth flowing state of mind💙
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
I’m Weird
This is one of the baby blankets I made being used. She is tiny. I think Asti said her name was Naomi! She was born early. It’s nice to see her under the blanket I made.
There was a time in my life that I couldn’t crochet. I’d try to make things but couldn’t do it. It was the concentration. I may have hit the snag again. I started a baby blanket weeks ago and I just let it lay. I can’t seen to work on it. I hope this passes as I love to make things and gift them.
We are having better weather. I don’t have to worry about the pipes freezing!
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Another Win
My hair has so much static from the cold. I washed and conditioned it again. It’s 29 this morning. Warmer today than yesterday.
Helen made her first sour dough bread. It sounded complicated to me. Laura makes hers in a loaf. Helen made oatmeal cookies too. They sounded good too. She didn’t have dates and chopped prunes in them. I like prunes. I cooked some this morning and will have them for breakfast until they’re gone. I think 3 is a serving.
Monday, January 27, 2025
Nuclear Plant
Logan’s birthday party was fun. The game ingrid invented was family feud. Ingrid called Logan and asked questions. He’d give 5 answers. There were 2 teams and you clapped to buzz in. Everyone was yelling at Logan. For name a pizza topping, he did— not necessarily his favs! It was fun. I didn’t stay for the game time. I watched the Chiefs and the game was a great one. I never watched pro football, but my cousin Winnie lives near K. C. And of course is a fan. Donna Wood is too. Anyhow, I’m a fan too, now. It’s nice to have a team to root for.
There were good desserts at Logan’s party—Ingrid’s made two, coconut cream pie and blueberry cinnamon rolls. Laura had strawberry pie. I made lemon bars. We had ham and cheese sliders and broccoli salad. Sigrid, of course, brought herself. Her sisters tease her about what she’s bringing and it’s “myself”. Her Dad will say—microwave Mac and cheese. Sig’s the baby and she gets picked on. She worked all evening at the College Library before the party. She is liking her job there.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
During the cold, my hair gets full of electricity and gets unmanageable. I think I just need to get some cut.
Last night the low was 41. What a good feeling.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Portrait of Me
Sister Helen filled the blessing box at Coin Church. The food was needed. Blessed be the giver.
Friday, January 24, 2025
I burned my little limbs yesterday. They’re just ones that fall from my trees but before long I have a pile. It was in the middle 40’s. Helen said it was pretty windy and she was right, but I stayed out there while it burned.
Today’s Momma’s birthday. She was born in 1921. She and Dad eloped when she was 16. She only went to 8th grade. She wasn’t a very good student. She’d finished her schooling at 14. She spent her days living above Grandpa Gaddy’s garage and store. Grandma treated her sort of like hired help. Guess she saw Dad as an escape. Laura has her flower garden quilt. It’s so pretty. She said her mother “made” her sew it. She also did the house work. I asked where she could go with Dad and she said to church. I don’t think she ever regretted her choice, but her parents never forgave her. It’s sort of sad. Well, it’s the reason I’m here❤️❤️
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Serving the Public
Siggie is making a few new friends at the College Library. She is amazed at the other student librarians. They don’t even acknowledge anyone. They just look at their phone all night. She said if the phone rings they don’t bother to answer it. She greets people. I’m sure they think— this chick is nuts. Now, I’m wondering will they change Sig or will she stay the sweet, caring helpful person she is.
Well, I turned my calendar to February. It was a bold move. I took control of my life. January is over for me. February is warmer. It’s the month of love. 💕 January is pipes freezing and a foot of snow. It’s done. Flowers pop up in February. Things are looking up for me.
I was able to walk outside yesterday. I filled the bird feeders. They were all empty. Helen didn’t call me yesterday. I’m an eternal pessimist. I’m sure her water froze, her car won’t start, and she fell outside in her nightgown and couldn’t get up. Yesterday, I went out to start my car and it wouldn’t start. I know I can start it indoors but I want to make sure the heated seat is on and the heater is humming. It wouldn’t start. Well, I did not take the key. No key, no start. These frigid temps are driving me insane.🤪🤭!
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Amy Patsy finished her chicken quilt. It’s a work of art. I’ve never seen anything with more labor to it. Laura made a bag like the ones I crocheted. She was asking me which button. I said gray. I’ve made a few beanie hats.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Laura is back at work and back in College. She’s getting an Educational Leadership degree from the University at Jonesboro, AR. That may not be the exact title of her degree. She’s in two graduate classes while working full time. Sigrid is already back to the books. She likes her class about the immune system. She is learning some Latin for a class and has checked a skeleton out from the library to help her learn the names of all the bones in the body.
My water did not freeze last night. My temperature says 22. Folks in the north have homes constructed with protecting pipes in mind. I let the water drip the size of a match stem and pray. So far no frozen pipes. I’ll be glad when the temperature goes back to normal here. One winter one of Larry’s friends had a pipe bust in the attic. What an expensive mess that created.
Monday, January 20, 2025
Well, cold and more cold! January🥶❄️🥶 is 2/3 over!
January originated before the year 1000 from Middle English. It’s derived from the Latin noun of Jānuārius or Jānus. In Ancient Rome, Jānus was a god of doorways, beginnings, and the rising and setting of the sun. In Latin jānus, means “doorway, archway, arcade.” The Latin word jānua gives us the word janitor, which originally referred to a door attendant before evolving to its more familiar definition of “custodian. January should be a good time to clean house!
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Close that Barn Door
Yesterday morning it was 45 degrees. Sort of like the warm before the cold. It’s 24 this morning and may not get above freezing today. I walked over to the pond yesterday. It has lots more water. Today I may ride my bike. This will last through Wednesday and finally some warmer days. I saw a long term forecast that said rest of the winter will b warmer.
Chiefs won yesterday. I’ve been watching them and cheering on my cousin’s Winnie’s team. She lives in K C.
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Laura sewed her first quilt block. I thought these were sewn by hand stitching but it’s done with the sewing machine. She said her next one will be better. She was disappointed with the corners.
Friday, January 17, 2025
I’m reading Come and Get it by Kiley Reid too. The book takes place at the University of Arkansas. I’ll let you know how I liked it after I’ve finished it. But….im not making a quilt!
Thursday, January 16, 2025
New Shoes
Yesterday was the first day since last Thursday that I could walk here. Shady places had snow, but most of my path was clear. The road by Laura’s house was a muddy mess. January is half over. Winter is passing but not without leaving memories.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
I walked up and down the lane in front of my house yesterday. I can’t walk my trail through the pasture. There’s just too much snow still. It’s slowly melting. Sunday it’s really cold again starting 3 days of deep freeze again. Older I get the harder this cold is. How do the folks up north survive?
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Greta’s Gobs Win
Greta’s team beat Alma last evening. She had a good game. 7 pts, 10 rebounds, and 5 steals!
Laura took me to my workout class and to the Drug store to get my blood pressure med refilled. Today she went to school. She said there was still lots of snow. Her school is a few blocks from the Arkansas River.
I’ll drive to my class today. We have another cold blast coming and this snow won’t leave.
This shows the playground at Laura’s school. Still snow everywhere.Monday, January 13, 2025
Pond Frozen
Laura made some homemade bread. She finds things to do. Her school is out again today. Rural roads are still snow and ice covered.
Laura stitched Sig an ear warmer to go with her scarf. Sig starts her classes today and works at the library too. Her classes are all lab sciences and will be in the same building I think. I hope she can handle them with ease.
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Ada’s Snowman
These are snow creatures created by folks in Arkansas this week. I’m amazed. They are works of art.
Laura and I made it to the Lake to walk. I only walked a mile. I wore my taller boots Clayton gifted me when he grew out of them. Guess that made it harder. I carried a stick too. Helen, said you’ll probably fall down. I didn’t fall but I was pooped. Guess the boots were heavier than tennis shoes. She said we’ll go again today.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Ada was so excited to see the snow. She gave the snow ice cream a 10! She tried sledding down the hill.
Sig finished her scarf. I think it looks very nice. She has a new job at the College Library. Her classses start next week.
We’re all surviving the snow storm. I’d rather it just last a day, but most of the snow is still here.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Slowing down
After I got my chicken pen open and threw food on the floor of their coop, I thought I’d never get the pen locked back. I had trouble walking as it’s almost a foot of snow. Sun will shine tomorrow weatherman says.
Let it Snow
Astrid worked yesterday but made it home safely. She and Logan are off today.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Snow storm starts today. Laura and Eric have school cancelled today and tomorrow.
Fleta has decided this will be her last year at Tyson’s. She said before next winter she’s retiring. At 77, she deserves a rest.
Come Monday, our temps will be in the 40’s in the day. Looking forward to it.