Saturday, November 22, 2008

While Mother Slept

I stole all the pictures off her
digital camera...I like this one!


Sister--Fleta said...

He is saying, Mama, Mama, what is Granny doing with our camera?

patsy said...

sweet boy.

Sister--Helen said...

Betty I am feeling so good it should be aginst the law.....just wanted you to know

Sister--Helen said...

Betty have you froze to death or what....maybe you are busy dressing a deer...

Me I am just enjoying my kids and the green pines ...The leaves are pretty here..I have got to take some pictures...Kris has 2 fire places in this house...I love a fire...I have got to go out today and scavanger up some kindling...I am not sure where yet. May have to steal some out of someones yard...darrel bought a load of pine wood was cut off the ground and was wet...but I have carried in a lot of it inside the house and have it stached in every cranny drying smells good..It reminds me of the home place to smell a wood fire...

Darrel and Kris have been shopping and
Darrel just dropped off jake for a nap and a case of oranges ...the oranges do not taste that great...shame he got a whole case..oh well glad I did not pay for them..

Sister--Helen said...

bety heis so cute Ithink I could keep him