Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Random Selection

Erin used to work at the court house here and she knows that juries are supposed to be randomly selected. Laura has jury duty again. I think I have had it 3 times--once Federal. Eric has had twice, Larry has been picked and Laura is on her third round I think. I always get excused because after teaching almost 40 years I know all those being tried or their mother! Larry wants to get picked when he is called. The red headed girl is a stand out and every time she is chosen to serve. You know she has a soft heart. Once a young mother was up for hot checks the 3rd time and all the old folks wanted her to get prison time. She had 3 little kids. Laura said they could stay there for days and she would not agree to prison time. Yesterday it was a dui case...she got picked. Thank heaven they settled. The guy had 2 little kids at home. Laura would have been a hold out! Erin might have said where are the keys.

1 comment:

patsy said...

good for the red head girl there are lot of worse things than kindness and love the world needs more love not less.
I could never serve on a jury. I am not prepared to set in judgement of any one.