Thursday, November 1, 2018

New Touch Computer

Well, the new computer came yesterday.   It was so much easier to set up excepting that Windows does not want one to use google.  I think I have most of it done.  Really the computer did most of it.  I do like the touch screen.  I bought the computer from Sam's.  I know I will like it and hope Larry will too.

I got his checkers on the desk top and got signed in to everything.  So off we go on a new adventure.

I am happy my sisters are coming to Erin's for Thanksgiving.  I know I am to bring dressing and I forget what else but Erin will remind me.

The tree in the photo is next to one of my favorite places, Pope County Library.  I went there yesterday.  Got some books.  Already read one and started a second.  It is about a Korean girl adopted in Oregon.  Over and over she is asked--did it matter that your parents were not Asian--and she would respond with a positive answer when in fact it DID matter.  It mattered a lot.  No one looks like you!

Larry's appointment was cancelled.  Dr. Johnson's father passed away.  We will both go November 13.

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