Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Sigrid is Smart too!

 Sigrid made all A's, but she is most happy about getting the metal out of her mouth--I think about July 24th or so.  Soon, anyway!
Seeing chickens in the yard always reminds me of Patsy.  She loved chickens.  I like them too.  I don't like white ones.  Grandma Powell always raised leghorns.  They were white, but I like red chickens the best.

1 comment:

Margie's Musings said...

My mother always raised chickens too. Even after we moved to town she had my stepfather build a chicken yard and chicken house in the back yard. I always remember we started them in a huge box in the dining room right next the large circulating stove. I always liked a smell of little chicks. I even had a pet chick named "Charlie". I could stoop down and stick out my finger and Charlie would hop up on my finger,. I have a photo of that somewhere.