Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Book Review

I’ve had so much misfortune finding nonfiction to read that last trip to the library I searched the new books’ fiction shelf.  One I selected was Crow Mary by Kathleen Grissom.  I read the cover and saw the book was about an actual person and Kathleen had researched her history to write her story.  Crow Mary’s  Indian name was Goes First.  In 1872 she married a fur trader, Abe Farwell, in Montana.  They moved to Canada and opened a trading post.  There’s no happy ending but it was an eye opening tale of how two different cultures can’t create a happy life without one giving up their way of living.  Neither Crow Mary nor Abe Farwell could change their core beliefs so their lives were filled with turmoil.  I enjoyed the book.


Donna. W said...

I put the book on hold. I have three libraries I can borrow from on the ipad, but the only one that has that book is the Kansas City Library. They just have one copy with four people in line. It's a very recently written book, so I'd think one of the other libraries would also have it.

Donna. W said...

I just realized I read another book from this author: The Kitchen House. It was a novel, though, not a real story.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Conflict with no resolution. Glad you enjoyed it.