Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Logan’s birthday was yesterday. We’re having a party the 26th and he is 26. When I was his age I thought I was all grown up and I’m sure he does too. To me he seems really young. Our perspective changes. I’m glad Astrid chose him! Ingrid has developed a game of family feud we are going to play. For Laura’s birthday she had a game of jeopardy! 

Laura is back at work and back in College.  She’s getting an Educational Leadership degree from the University at Jonesboro, AR. That may not be the exact title of her degree. She’s in two graduate classes while working full time. Sigrid is already back to the books. She likes her class about the immune system. She is learning some Latin for a class and has checked a skeleton out from the library to help her learn the names of all the bones in the body. 

My water did not freeze last night. My temperature says 22. Folks in the north have homes constructed with protecting pipes in mind. I let the water drip the size of a match stem and pray. So far no frozen pipes. I’ll be glad when the temperature goes back to normal here. One winter one of Larry’s friends had a pipe bust in the attic. What an expensive mess that created.


DrumMajor said...

Busy kids in school! Remember to open the cabinet door too when you run the water. Helps make it warmer for the pipes. Linda in Kansas

Donna. W said...

It was 6 below zero here this morning, and a high of 8 today. So far our pipes in the trailer have never frozen.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Frozen water pipes are not fun, yes our houses are heavily insulated. If you keep the cabinets under the kitchen/bathroom sink open for airflow it may avoid a problem( especially if the pipes are on an outside wall. ) Sure hope it warms up soon. Happy Birthday to Logan! Hope you have a nice party!