Tuesday, March 18, 2025

One Eyed Helen

Helen’s right pupil is larger than than left, but that is normal. She said it all went well. She goes for a check up today. Before her surgery she spent a lot of energy and time getting her house clean. She had plants in her bathroom for the winter and moved them back outside. I followed her lead and took mine to the back porch! If the temp gets in the 30’s at night we’re going to cover with an old sheet. Last night it was 50 here so I let them be. 

I go to the Dr. today about my blood pressure. The new ace inhibitor is working fine. It’s enalapril. I had a cough but it’s subsided so I guess I had a virus and the med didn’t cause it. I do get dizzy some on standing, but that’s the only side effect I’ve noticed.  

I’ve been cleaning— a fence row. I lack about 20 feet! Making progress. After ticks get busy I’ll not be able to work in the weeds. Spring cleaning 🧹 just outside.  I have pioneer genes!

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

Your fence row looks pretty good, also looks like trees are in bud there. Hope Helen is pleased with her vision after the surgery. I believe all meds can make you dizzy if you get up too fast especially after lying down, I always try to sit up first a bit before taking off:) Headed back to the woods today:)