Thursday, April 19, 2018

My New Patsy--AKA--Amazing Amy

If Sister Patsy was still with us, she would have loved the story of the Friendship Quilt that Fleta is piecing together--just a little pun.  Patsy would have solved the quilt pattern in a jiffy, but she is not with us any longer except in spirit.  My new Patsy is still kicking around in the Library and she has worked on the mystery just as Old Sister would have done.  Quickly, she solved the pattern type.   It is called the "rolling stone" and what a fitting name for the pattern.  The quilt was born in the time of the depression--1930's.  It was a special gift to someone whose name is lost.  The name in the center block has the title of Mother!  Fleta has solved the riddle of who stitched most of the blocks and now Amy has given our quilt a name--The Rolling Stone!   I think this shows if several minds work together more can be accomplished!  Fleta nor I are quilters.  It is difficult for us to even see the pattern, but I am sure Amy quilts and the block lines stood out to her.  Thanks so much, Amy!

 The Rolling Stone Friendship Quilt
Below some of the block creators

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