Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Waited too Long


My Grandmother lived in a big house on Springfield Street, Green Forest.  Grandpa died in 1954.  She was only 63.  She sold her farm and bought a house in town and took in boarders.  She was self sufficient.  When I was growing up, my Grandmother was always there in her two story house in town. I did visit with her a lot, but I wish I had taken time to see more in her heart and mind. I could have spent 100s of afternoons learning of her hardships, joys, and early life. I did not. I stayed with her like it was a hotel. Oh, if I could go back and have another chance, I would love to talk once more to her.

I wish I had another chance

To talk to my Grandmother!

Oh, the questions I would ask

About her father, sisters, brother!

Oh, to have just one more visit

Sitting in that old porch swing--

I would find out each detail

I'd ask about everything!

Grandma's gone; it's too late,

But I am going to do my part

So all of my grandchildren

Know about my life, my heart!

Grandma’s house 1910 and 2010.


HappyK said...

So sad!

Margie's Musings said...

Yes, it is sad!

Far Side of Fifty said...

She had a big home! I think we all feel the same way about our Grandmothers! My Paternal Grandmother died when I was almost 4 years old so I did not get an opportunity to know her only through others. :)