Monday, September 4, 2023


My Maple is about half fall colored.  It needs a rain.  Leaves are drying and falling.
Look what I spied above where I park the Mule.  I got out the wasp spray.  Glad they are gone!


Far Side of Fifty said...

Scary bees or are they wasps. My wasp nests are keeping the wasps from building here.

Donna. W said...

Hey, I'm enjoying the Waffle game, and told some Facebook friends about it; they like it too.

Margie's Musings said...

I do not like wasps. This is Margie from Margie's Musings.

Kay said...

Thank you so much for your visit today. I’m still not quite ready to be back to blogging, I’m afraid. My vertigo is still there. I have an appointment with an audiologist who is supposed to test me for hearing and vertigo triggers. Art is now recovered from COVID thank goodness, but then my mother started to have some kind of intestinal problem. Then my sister-in-law fell and fractured her knee cap. It’s craziness over here.

I see that you lost your husband three years ago. I’m so sorry to learn that. What a strong person you are. I’m glad you’re getting some rain. Hawaii is having a dry spell now and could use some rain too. Please take good care of yourself.