Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 Justin and Ingie are getting married today on the beach.  Hope it’s all perfect for them.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Having Fun

I hope the beach combers are having a great time.  Piper got to tag along.  I’m not sure that she likes the beach attire. I think Ingridlooks lots like her Mom.
Helen picked the veggies from Astrid’s raised beds and made us a salad.  It was so good.  We need rain.  This occurs almost yearly.  When the rain stops that’s it. Drought sets in.  


Bargain Chairs


From Florida Astrid and Laura spotted these two lounge chairs for sale.  $25.00 each and there was two of them.  I went in the truck and was able to find the address. The seller got his neighbor to help load them into my truck and I was able to unload them.  Laura’s had rotted and ripped. These should last a long time.  

Never thought I would wear a swim dress but I really like it.   At my age you need to cover up all of you if you can.

Sunday, June 23, 2024



Laura shared sunset from Captiva with me last evening.  This morning I looked at Galla Lake when I walked at 6:30.  Both were beautiful sights.  Made me think there is beauty all around us if we just look for it.

It was already hot when I walked .  No rain in sight.  Yard has turned brown in spots.  I water each morning to keep a few plants alive.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Beach

Laura’s entire clan went to Captiva Island for a week.  
Greta was hired to tend the horses, dogs and chicks but my Sister Helen came along because Greta is too young to stay in a house alone, only 13.  We are having fun here.  Love having the company.  Sister Fleta stayed a night but had gone home.


Ice Cream

 Looks like Ada loves ice cream.  I do too.  I like Dairy Queen vanilla.  The soft serve cones.  They are so good.  We used to make ice cream in the summer.  We had cows so we had cream.  It was delicious.  Nothing is as good as it used to be.

Thursday, June 20, 2024


 I’ve been having visitors to my front yard. Today, they went by to see Laura!  


June 19th, yesterday, was Eric and Laura’s 25th wedding anniversary.   Time has whizzed by and their three daughters have grown up.  Their mantra is—all for family.  They attended a Styx concert with two friends.  He gave her a new ring!  Now, they are headed down the road toward gold—50.


Piper Has an Attitude

Piper is going to the beach.  She needs protection from the sun.  Astrid has her set.  Piper doesn’t like the color I guess.  She looks a little irritated. 


Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 One of my friends who knows I walk daily sent me this.  It made me chuckle but I still walked my steps. Each year the distance grows shorter.  I hope I can keep my habit going the rest of my days, but I admit it’s harder each year.  I try not to find excuses because they’re unending.

What is a Mutt?

Wylie is a mutt! Astrid wondered what type of dog her sweet Wylie was.  She did a dog dna test to see.  She is a little bit Corgi!  Wylie loves her beach hat!


Monday, June 17, 2024

Watching Greta

This is the street we drove down to the basketball camp today.  Johnny was brother’s old basketball coach and mentor.  Laura pulled over so I could snap an image.
Brother Gilbert’s daughter earned a Master’s degree in counseling from Southern Arkansas University! He’d be extra proud.  He was present when she received her first degree.

Greta on the court.  She scored points too.

This is Ingrid’s first office!  She loves pink!


I Could Crochet One

 I could make one of these.  Would they sell?

Number 5

 I hauled off number 5.  Surely that’s all for a while.

Astrid got me a new bird feeder for my birthday.  She made it.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Visitor Coming Daily

Every evening I see her eating in the front yard.  I hope she keeps stopping by to see me.


Friday, June 14, 2024

Raise the Flag

Today I’m 75 - 1.  Next year will be a 3/4 100 for me.  Laura made me triple delight with lemon. It was good with my coffee. My birthday was tarnished for me when I discovered I shared it with president 45.  
My sisters and I are not rich, but perhaps we have more money than when we were teenagers.  Helen bought a second hand couch from someone at Eureka.  She washed the seat cushion and it ripped at the seam.  Bet she got to thinking about who had sat where she was sitting.  I love buying used stuff.  But I’m trying not to buy anything unless what I have is kaput.  My couch will last the rest of my life.  I like Helen’s choice as it makes her room look bigger because of the light color.

Number 4

 Betty 4

Squirrels 0

But I think they are recruiting more to their team.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Pace Myself

My pace is not what it used to be!



Laura is a good bread maker.  It’s practice that makes a good bread baker.  With sourdough, bread must be made when the solution is fed and part of the solution is discarded.  She makes granola with the discard too. It’s really good.  She’s uses the discard and pure maple syrup.  The granola part can be different, grains, nuts, and dried fruits.  

Sourdough promotes gut health!  Seems we are finding that the old ways are the best ways.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Ingrid celebrated her first day of freedom from school by making honeybuns for her honey, Justin!  Pop loved honeybuns.  He liked the ones with the white icing.  Ingrid’s surely look delicious.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Hit the ground runnin’

I was honored to watch Ingrid graduate from Baptist Health last evening.  She received several accolades too.  New job awaits. 💗 She starts her new job next week.  I hope it’s all she dreamed it would be.


Monday, June 10, 2024

Navy Mae is One

Astrid’s niece on Logan’s side turned one.  Her name is Navy Mae.  Astrid and Logan went to her birthday party.  Some day they’ll have a little one.  Hope I live that long.  


Mowing Again

I tried something new!  I mowed the front part of my yard Friday and the rest today.  Was going to finish it yesterday but we had rains off and on so the grass never got dry!  Today it got dry by 3:30.  It took me 2 hours to mow the back but I mowed my walking path too.  I don’t like to walk in high grass, more ticks!  Seems like it took longer dividing it in half.  I’m trying to mow every 10 days and not once a week. 

Laura’s bunch made it home.  Someone hit their parked car the first night there.  They had to have work done to even get home.  Hopefully the guy had good insurance.  He was an Uber driver and he fell asleep he said!  Life goes on.  Always something happens  and we just have to deal with it.  They didn’t tell me until they were almost home as they did not want to worry me.  I am blessed with two wonderful girls and they chose good men to marry!


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Park Play

Greta is the best big sister.  Almost a decade older than Ada but not too old to play with her at the park. Ada’s mother is too old to play at the park!


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Company Came

Saw wild petunia and St. John’s Wort when I walked.  When I got back to the porch a nice shower watered the meadow.  Erin came today.  She probably thought she needed to check on an old lady alone!

The name St. John’s wort is believed to be derived from John the Baptist, as the plant blooms in June, around the time of the St. John the Baptist feast. It is most commonly used to address mood disorders, depression, and symptoms such as nervousness, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping.

St. John’s Wort

My kids are almost home.  I know Siggie hated to leave Ellie.  Ellie is a page for our Senator Tom Cotton.  She’ll be in DC until the end of June.  She lives in a little house in walking distance of the Capital.  She walks to his office each day.  Mostly she says she answers the telephone.  Callers are sometimes mean and curse at her.  Sometimes she types for Senator Cotton.  She and Sig have been friends since kindergarten.