Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Holy, Holy

My friend Kay Lou loans me books.  Saw her yesterday and she showed me her new book.  I begged to read it first!  Being like a sister, she relented.  Wow, a history of the “Word”.

Bible is Greek for books—plural!  The Bible one reads depends on what books your belief accepts.  The first books were written on scrolls.  Most were on parchment, with the exception of a few written on papyrus. The scrolls survived as pieces- only a handful were found intact. Nevertheless, scholars have managed to reconstruct from fragments approximately 950 different “books”. 

The King James Bible is most widely-known edition of the Bible. It was printed in 1611, this edition of the Bible was commissioned in 1604 by King James I, but only after feeling pressure from Puritans and Calvinists.  James called a conference at Hampton Court Palace, during which it was suggested there should be a new translation of the Bible.  Early versions commissioned by earlier monarchs were felt to be corrupt.

King James eventually agreed and decreed the new translation should speak in contemporary language, using common, recognizable terms. James’ purpose was to unite the warring religious factions through a uniform holy text.

This version of the Bible was not altered for 250 years and is credited as one of the biggest influences on the English language. The King James Bible introduced a multitude of words and phrases now common in the English language, including “eye for an eye,” “bottomless pit,” “two-edged sword,” “God forbid,” “scapegoat” and “turned the world upside down”.

I have a need to know and learn.  I’m going to learn about ALL the versions of the Bible.  This  book is authored by Bruce Gordon of Yale Divinity School.  



Far Side of Fifty said...

Interesting! You will have to let us know more as you read along:)

Donna. W said...

I like to read different versions of the Bible. Sometimes a very modern version will make me understand things better. Since I grew up with the King James Bible, my favorite version now is the New King James because it isn't that much different that the old one, only easier to understand. But I carry an NIV version in my church purse. My mother thought the only real bible was the King James and didn't want to use any other.