Clayton is adjusting to school and Greta is missing his company at home. They are coming this weekend. Sept. 1 is Laura's birthday--38 and Alivia Jane--1! I hope Alivia is a blessing to her family as Laura has been in my life.
Friday I am going to Siggie's school for lunch! Astrid plays volleyball today and Thursday! We got a couple of little showers on our fall garden and a big rain is coming our way for Thursday and Friday they say!
September will be here this weekend. I plan to enjoy the month piddling and doing as I want. I have read a non fiction book about the Hatfields and McCoys. They made a movie out of the story of these fueders. The book documented all the epidsodes of the families. Wow, I knew of some of the stuff but not all. Now I have a new book about Bill Clinton and it is starting out interesting. Each chapter is about him and written by those who knew him. I am in Hope, AR now and the comments are from neighbors and relatives of his Grandparents who had a grocery store there in the black part of town.
When the light finally fills the outdoors, I am going to walk. It really helps my knees. They ached yesterday and today because of the moisture I suppose. Humidity causes them to hurt more...
Love you all and hope your day is filled with good things.