Tomatoes galore! I either must peel them and freeze them or make juice. Trying to decide what to do? I have a canner but it makes the house so hot and I would have to go buy lids and rings and see if I could find a dozen jars. That is just too much trouble. But tomatoes are a dollar a can. So what should I do?
Do it outside naked.
Oh Erin.. :-)
Freeze um Bet
throw them in bag unpeeled when you want to use them take out of bag and drop in pot of boiling water. take them out as fast as you can and the skin will slip off right away. the cores will cook up and not be a problem. I have done this for years. works every time!
I JUST SENT SAM TO TOWN WITH A BOX FOR YOU. BE WATCHING FOR IT. HE IS MAILING IT TODAY,, 7/12 at 11:30 am. i sent a rock for siggy and something you have been wanting!
Sure wish they would come our way...not a good tomato yet...everything is just burning up.
Sure wish they would come our way...not a good tomato yet...everything is just burning up.
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