Monday, April 19, 2021


Finished Sister’s  Great Grand baby blanket. 

Of all the birds from East to West
That tuneful are and dear,
I love that farmyard bird the best,
They call him Chanticleer.

Gold plume and copper plume,
Comb of scarlet gay;
'Tis he that scatters night and gloom,
And whistles back the day!

Katherine Tynan Hinkson

And I thought I was doing good— high stepping.  Well, Sister Fleta makes sure she gets 10,000 steps a day.  At work, now she gets up and goes upstairs if she has been sitting at her desk for an extended period. I measure my exercise in miles.  I walk a mile plus in the morning.  Later, I walk half a mile to get my mail.  Low and behold, Sister’s 10,000 steps adds up to 5 miles. My measly mile is only 2,000 steps.  Sister is edging near 75.  I need to get with it.  Step, step and step more.

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