Monday, April 12, 2021

Pink Wood Sorrel

This little wildflower is clustered in my back yard.  It’s delicate and beautiful.  I’m going to put it in a pot and see if I can get it going like I did the wild violets.  It’s commonly called Pink Wood Sorrel.

My little flower is Oxalis, the False Shamrock!  The plant typically sold as a potted shamrock plant is Oxalis regnellii.  This small plant is loved for its clover-shaped leaves in various colors and the delicate flowers that bloom from fall until spring. Its delicate leaves fold up at night and reopen with the return of sunlight. Oxalis is a member of the wood sorrel family. Although both shamrocks and Oxalis have three leaves, they are from different plant genus, and the leaves and the flowers are shaped differently. Clover leaves are round while the wood sorrel has heart shaped leaves.  True shamrocks are members of the clover family!


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