Thursday, February 14, 2008


It is so neat to see Ingrid
wear what Astrid wore and
what someday Sigrid will too!


patsy said...

pretty girls.

dot said...

Little girls are so special and pretty in their little dresses!

Annie said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Sister Three.

Your photo of your very special girls brought to mind this Shakespeare poem:

Shy love, I think of you
As the morning air brushes the window pane,
And how much time of all it takes to know
The movement of your arm, the steps you take,
The curves along your head, your ears, your hair.
For all of this, each hand, each finger,
Each lip, each breath, each sigh,
Each word and sound of voice or tongue,
I would require an age to contemplate.

But for your heart your mind your thoughts, all these,
To love them all I need at least five centuries

Patty said...

Two beautiful little girls.