Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Uncle Owen

Granny called Lemuel Owen Standridge, Uncle Owen.  In 1914, when he was an old man he was sent to Federal Prison in Atlanta, Ga.  This was likely his first trip out of AR.  He was sentenced in Little Rock to a year and a day.  After he had been in GA 6 months, he asked for parole and it was denied.  A lawyer from Jasper wrote appealing for parole saying his poor family was starving to death.  Two of Larry's grandfathers on on his list of persons who wrote--Lewis Garrison and Howard Standridge.  He had $20.97,  the clothes on his back, and one stick of gum.  He asks permission to attend school while he is there, asks for a new cell mate, says he is a Baptist and does not use tobacco.  It is a very sad bunch of papers....but I am sharing them to remember him.

Folder of Prison Records

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