Monday, October 18, 2021

New Chicken House

Astrid has these two chicken houses, but she wanted a bigger one.  She asked about doing something with Larry’s old doc kennel setup.  At first, I couldn’t imagine it being gone, but as time has passed, I. Able to realize that’s all past.  I told her to do whatever she wanted with it.
Logan cut some trees around it.  They were really close to the kennel.
They had to tear the back off the kennel.  Astrid’s making it her chicken house. It’ll have sections so she can have separate areas for different varieties.
Her front porch is always pretty.  She has lots of mums blooming.

Astrid always draws a plan of what she wants.  I can’t wait to see how it looks when completed.  Someone gave Logan the wood on the outside, but they had to buy the studs.


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