Saturday, October 27, 2007

Hay for my Ridge Chicks

I wanted Patsy to see that I am taking
care of the Ridge Chickens. My pen gets
muddy and what I call marred. So I went
to the feed store and bought a bail of straw
to strew around in their pen. They were as
proud a I would be with a new rug in my

The white Bantie is not a Ridge Chick. She is
one of my old ones that I have kept. Siggie
loves her and will eat all her egg because she
thinks the white chick laid it. When we gather
the egg and one had poo on it...I showed Siggie
and she yelled, 'Chickens don't poop on the eggs'.


dot said...

Funny! It's a wonder she will eat eggs at all after you showed her that. I don't eat eggs much any more but when I did if one had a blood spot I couldn't eat it or none others for quiet a while.

Erin said...

at least she didn't throw the eggs. she is a hoot. will probably be coming for a visit on tues or wednesday.

patsy said...

i wonder if that is a leghorn bantam. i have seem them on the net.

patsy said...

where did you get the white bantam?

Andrea said...

I bet that new rug was of comfort for those chicks.

Thanks for your comment on my blog. The doctors removed 80% of my daughters brain tumor December 27, 2006. She then took six weeks of radiation with the goal to shrink the tumor as much as possible. They said this type of tumor will not totally go away. In September she had another MRI and they found NOTHING. God healed her. They say the reoccurance rate is high but we have the faith that if God healed her he will not let the cancer come back.

Annie said...

And isn't that a wonderful way to show you care, recarpeting the chickens' pen? And teasing Siggie.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Oh i love chickens, we used to have some that layed colored eggs that was always neat